Explore.Brussels asbl is looking for a communication intern for a minimum period of 3 months half-time (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) to be defined together between September and June with the possibility of extension.
Employer : Explore.Brussels asbl (non-profit organization)
Sector(s) of activity : Guided tour - cultural tourism
Description of the organisation : Explore.Brussels is a network of 4 Brussels-based themed tourism associations: ARAU (Atelier de Recherche et d'Action Urbaines), Arkadia, Bruxelles Bavard and Pro Velo. Since 2017, Explore.Brussels and the associations in the network have been organising the Brussels Art Nouveau & Art Deco (BANAD) Festival every year in March, which offers visitors the opportunity to discover Brussels' Art Nouveau and Art Deco heritage. We also organise other events such as the Brussels Biennale of Eclectic Architecture (BBEA) and the Brussels Biennale-Neoclassic (BBN).
Contact details : Avenue Brugmann 405 - 1180 Brussels
Contact: Sidney Figeys -
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Job title: Communication intern
Tasks: Creation of textual and graphical content for social networks, follow-up of the editorial communication planning, creation of graphical content for the different biennials (e.g. badges), live follow-up of Explore.Brussels events, especially during the weekend (story, live broadcast content)...
Profile: You are a student in communication, graphic design or cultural management, you have an interest in culture in general and you like social networks; you are resistant to stress and you want to gain experience in the organisation and communication of cultural events.
Diplomas: You are a student in cultural management, communication or graphic design Experience: no specific professional experience required
Type of contract : Intern
Procedure : Send your CV and cover letter to
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