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Exploring the eclectic style in Brussels! The eclectic style was created in the nineteenth century and changed the colour of the city as well as making a deep impression on architectural techniques. During the eclectic period (1830-1914), the u...
This menu allows you to discover the Brussels Biennale of Eclectic Achitecture (BBEA) pictures and to see the main characteristics of eclecticism in 2 minutes.
PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION Where can I have lunch or dinner ? Extend your enjoyment of the Brussels Biennale of Eclectic Architecture (BBEA) by having a meal or staying overnight in exceptional eclectic establishments!Some of them offer...
How to make a reservation? Booking for the BBEA are now closed. You can still buy single admission tickets at the door on the day for guided tours of buildings that are not fully booked. The main stages of the booking process are: 1. Create an accoun...
Getting around Brussels To get to the different buildings that will be open for visitors during the biennial , we recommend that you leave your car at home. Instead, you could use a bicycle or public transport because they are usually faster than dri...